Are you searching everywhere trying to get your first home loan? Even speaking to mortgage brokers and financial experts and getting confused? You need to take a deep breath and understand that in order to obtain your first home loan, there are a number of processes and items that you will need to cover. A part of this includes compiling a bunch of financial documents that the lender/bank will need before discussion occurs about the loan amount. These documents and personal background check is required to ensure that you can be trusted to repay and afford the loan amount from the bank. This is standard practice for all bank loans and financial institutions. The only exception is where the bank might provide a special product to an individual called a 'low doc loan'. These Low doc Loans are quite self explanatory- they don't require a large amount of documentation from yourself or your partner, why? well they are a specially designed bank loan product aimed at self-employed individuals where their business is their only income. So in other words the business leverages the loan for the individual. These have their own pros and cons. To learn more visit
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